Mach 1, Inc. provides the following services to its clients in the process of moving projects from sale through to construction.


Individual property zoning reports

Building Code

Building Code Analysis

Property Surveys

Property Surveys

Engineer Stamped Drainage & Grading Plan

Engineer Stamped Drainage & Grading Plan

Architectural Plan

Complete Architect stamped plans for permit processing and construction

Historical Plaque

Zoning Board of Appeals, Historic Committee, and Appearance Committee applications / hearing presentations

Tracking Sheet

Tracking Sheet for clients to track their projects throughout the development process

24/7 Contact

24/7 contact with Mach 1’s principle to ensure that your business is not defined by the limits of municipal review times

Types of Projects that Mach 1 has moved through the Development Process:

  • Additions and New Construction
  • Detached Garages
  • Structural Basement Underpinning (City of Chicago)
  • Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical Permits
  • Right-of-Way
  • Signs
  • Fences
  • Decks

Mach 1 Inc. has assisted in the Project Development phase and has been responsible for procuring permits in the following municipalities within the Tri-State region: Download Municipal List (municipal_list.xlsx) – Excel spreadsheet

While this list of over 200 communities covers the vast majority of the Chicagoland region, we will certainly entertain assisting your company further afield.